New Video: Sleeepy Anderson - Gamblin' Shoes


It's getting increasingly difficult and frustrating for those of who want to write about music. Don't get me wrong, I'm not moaning about it (well, not much anyway). It just becomes a thankless task when you have to wade your way through several hundred submissions a week, wanting to cover a large percentage of it, but having the real world to deal with and therefore barely able to scratch your arse without ruining the itch. That sounds a lot less poetic now I read it back to myself. 

 I'm not the biggest fan of social media, I find myself using it a lot when my anxiety levels are at their highest; coincidence? I think not. However, sometimes when at risk of pulling my hair out at not being able to keep up with my inbox, social media actually comes up the goods. I know, I can barely believe it either.. 

 Sporadically, an artist pops up on the socials and the algorithm pulls a blinder. These things don't happen often; it's the musical equavilent of a total eclipse of the moon, a sighting of a snow leopard in the wild or Grimes being able to push some buttons at the right time.

 Scott T. 'Sleeepy' Anderson managed to push some buttons, even if it was entirely unintentional. Hailing from Louisville, Kentucky, Scott considers himself a Country & Western singer in the Southern tradition. He's raw and familiar, but refreshing also; infused by Folk and Alt Country as much as the Grand Old Oprey. 'Gamblin Shoes' is Sleeepy's first single and will be featured on his debut album Truck Songs, which will be released later in the year. 

At the core of the track is beautifully-succinct and addictive guitar line that rolls around in the fields of Kentucky trying to avoid the inevitable hay fever that ensues. Sleeepy's vocals drawl and warble, full of Sourthern charm and eccentricity. He's sounds like he's just woken up and plugged in the mic to sing, and perhaps surprisingly, it sounds great; he ain't called Sleeepy for nothin'.

Anderson is also a visual artist and that is showcased with the video for 'Gamblin' Shoes' (see above), which shows an inventiveness not always seen by your average Country & Western singer. In another plot twist from your cliched C&W visual, Anderson is seen skateboarding carefree throughout a park, before his head appears in an animated version of the moon singing and clouds drift by at a pace. It's hard to tell whether it was done on a budget or a deliberate stylised choice, but either way it looks great and expect to see much more of this as the year progresses. 

You can follow and keep up to date with Sleeepy Anderson on Instagram and if you're so inclined, can stream 'Gamblin' Shoes' at the link below.
