Single Review: Razorbraids - Megachurch


Razorbraids is a Brooklyn-based, queer, female and non-binary identifying rock band that combines a heavy punk energy with an indie rock vulnerability culminating in passionate live shows and a dynamic sound anchored in a 90s alternative ethos.

Led by Hollie Bynum - who taught herself to play bass after being mostly bedridden following an accident in 2017 - the line up is made up of Janie Peacock on guitar, Jilly Karande on rhythm guitar and Hannah Nichols on drums.

Ryan Doyle Elward took a listen to new single 'Megachurch' and shared these thoughts.

'Megachurch' is a return to a brand of softer sounding self-reflection, shadowing the interminably catchy 'I’m A Blackhole (and you’ll never get out)', which was the first song written for Razorbraids’ powerful I Could Cry Right Now If You Wanted Me To - an album that made anyone’s Best of 2021 list unless they were oblivious. Blackhole… itself is like La Sera on Sees the Light or from their eponymous, and a little like a twangier Radiohead’s 'Creep'.

That '..Blackhole..' is captivating is true, but has at least a matching strength to linger. More stripped-down than much of what’s been written by Razorbraids, it’s comprised mostly of an easy two chord back and forth strum, like a light curtain lifting in the wind from an open kitchen window. The guitar strumming gives over to a duet that alternates throughout, combining in the chorus and ending again in unison.

                               Here, their vocals move away from an already impressive Pat Benatar timbre (Hollye’s singing) and toward the style of Sylvan Esso or Mountain Man (Animal Tracks in particular). In 'Megachurch' the two voices are mighty together but slightly reserved, yet the change suits the nature and tone of the song.

Surface deep it’s sweet, but as with everything they do musically, lyrically, there’s plenty that seems to work its way out and get uncovered with each listen. 'Megachurch' is a track of self- analysing, of talking inside first – which is challenging enough – then of taking on the hard task of forming it all into words. And what this song has to say is tough to hear. That, with an honest look, things aren’t what they were, and sometimes there’s just no putting them back. It’s a tender accounting of a relationship, the worth and its personal cost, and the wondering afterward.


📷 Jessica Guerwitz

Follow Razorbraids on InstagramFacebook and Twitter

 Buy and stream 'Megachurch' at the following Links page, but as ever, we recommend you buy direct from Bandcamp.                                            

